NAME: Fort Dunvegan COUNTY: N/A ROADS: 4WD GRID: 2 CLIMATE: Mild summer,cold winter BEST TIME TO VISIT: Summer |
Northern Alberta REMAINS: A plaque. |
“Established in 1805 for the North West Company by Archibald Macleod,
Fort Dunvegan was named after the ancestral castle of the Macleods on the
Island of Skye. For many years the most important post in the Peace River
Valley, it was a center of the fur trade, a link in the chain of communication
westward into British Columbia and the scene of early missionary enterprise
and agricultural experiment. It was closed as a trading post in 1918.” So
reads the plaque on the Alberta Historic Sites cairn erected on the site
of old Dunvegan on Highway 2, just north of the bridge that spans the mighty
Peace River. The message is an incredibly capsulized history of a settlement
that once was the hub of the Peace River trading area; birthplace of the
agricultural industry in the Peace River country and a community that was
expected to, but never did, grow into a big city. One important gap left
by the notation on the plaque as to the history of the old fort is that
Alexander Mackenzie was probably the first white man to see the spot for
he passed it on May 11, 1793 while traveling by canoe up the Peace River
on his historic voyage to the Pacific Ocean. The next explorer to pass
through the area was David Thompson in 1804. It was likely his report that
was instrumental in persuading the North West Company to send Archibald
Macleod there to establish a fort in 1805. H.B. Chenoweth |