NAME: Oil City COUNTY: N/a ROADS: 2WD GRID: 1 CLIMATE: Cold winters, warm summers BEST TIME TO VISIT: Summer |
SW corner of Alberta. REMAINS: Nothing |
Oil City today is a long disappeared ghost town tucked away in the southwest corner of the province marked only by a heap of stones as a landmark. But in 1875 the site held visions of fortunes to be made when seepages of oil was discovered along Cameron Creek. From 1875 to 1902 an enterprising duo collected oil from the seepage into barrels for sale to farmers and ranchers in the area as machinery lubricant. They averaged 10 to 15 barrels a day and probably made as much money from oil as others who came later. By 1906 the boom was all but over. Primitive roads made hauling out by horses and wagons of what little oil was produced an unprofitable venture. .H.B. Chenoweth |