first and only rule in photographing ghost towns it to TAKE A
LOT OF PICTURES! You never know when you might be back and if
you do return, the town will probably not be the same as when
you were last there. With that said, there are many mediums through
which you can take pictures; a digital camera, film camera, video
camera or artist canvas/sketchpad.
of these photographic media are fine and will suit the purpose well, but
one needs to consider the purposes of the photographs when choosing the
media. For example, if you want to take pictures and put them on the internet
for other people to see, the easiest way is to use a digital camera. With
a digital camera, you can load the pictures right into your computer and
view them or put them on the internet immediately. Another advantage of
most digital cameras is that you can preview your image after you take
the picture and make sure it is what you want. Most digital cameras today
have an LCD screen on the back that will allow the user to look at the
picture and make sure it turned out the way the user wanted. Phones, such
as O2 Mobile Phones are quite useful
too, because not only can you take the pictures and use all the other
photographic functionality that cameras have, but you can also upload
to the web. Many smart phones actually allow you to install apps that
mean you can get your photos straight onto an image hosting site. This
way you are sure to come back with the shots you want, rather than wondering
whether your pictures are going to "turn out" when you get them
back from the developer.
second media is a regular film camera. The main advantage to
the ghost town hobbies of a film camera is they are inexpensive.
Another advantage is that most film cameras can produce a higher
quality output than digital cameras. This difference in quality,
however, is usually only noticeable if the user wanted to have
their pictures published or printed. A big disadvantage of regular
film cameras is that the user doesn't know what the pictures
will look like or even if they will turn out until the film comes
back from the developer. At this time, it is too late to get
additional pictures without returning to the ghost town. Also,
getting a film picture onto a computer requires a scanner, which
is an additional costly step, especially if the user has made
use of slide film. Infrared film is a neat effect for photographing
ghost towns because it gives a very "historic" look
(see some of the towns in Oregon on this site where infrared
film was used), however, photographing with infrared film is
very costly and usually for the professional photographer only.
Try to use a low asa rating film like ASA 100 for outdoor shots.
This film is less light sensitive and will produce better results
in the outdoors, whereas a high speed film, like ASA 400, is
very light sensitive and good for low light situations, such
as indoors. Slide film is good because the slide is your film,
and there is no cropping of the picture as is possible when you
take your regular print film to a developer. However, there is
a big disadvantage to slide film. If you want to get your picture
into a computer or on the internet, you will have to pay for
a slide scanner($$$), or somewhere in the neighborhood of $3
per picture to have a slide scanned. For most people this is
too costly.
third media is a video camera (camcorder). This media is great
for capturing the whole essence of a site, but is rather difficult
to show to other people unless you have them over to your house.
I would recommend using the video camera only as an addition
to one of the other three types of "still" media. If
you plan to use a video camera extensively, a tripod is a must
so you don't make your viewers seasick.
fourth media is and artist canvas or sketchpad. If you are an
artist, one of the most rewarding things you can draw is a piece
of our past, a ghost town. Many authors and artists have sketched
towns as they were when the artists or authors visited them,
the most notable being Muriel Wolle in here books. Ruby, Az is
often the site of artists sketching or painting away, preserving
the town on canvas. These forms of media need to be scanned to
be put on a computer or the internet which as mentioned above
can be costly.
of which media you choose to use, here are some guidelines of
what to take pictures of:
1. Try to take a picture
of the whole site to give an overview of the layout, how much
remains, and how big the site was to begin with. An overview
shot also gets the type of terrain the town is in and the scenery
2. Seek the buildings or remnants that look like they are the
most weathered and the most likely to not be there the next time
you come back.
3. Not all sites have complete buildings or mining remnants,
so one might overlook some of the smaller things like an old
hinge, a brick from a building, or glass from bottles. These
items sometimes make the best picture.
4. Forget the typical photography first light/ last light rules
as you are shooting pictures of the historical artifacts and
not the scenery. One sometimes gets an eerie feeling at ghost
towns realizing that many people once lived there and the site
is now deserted. This feeling can sometimes be captured better
on gloomy overcast days which goes against the typical photography
5. Keep your subject, whether it is a building, mine or ghost
from a ghost town as big as possible in your picture. Sometimes
people will take pictures of ghost towns and you have to get
a magnifying glass out to see the subject of the picture. Make
sure the subject of the picture fills the picture.
6. When using the video camera, make sure to keep it still and
stay on each subject for longer than you think you need to. There
is nothing worse than a home video that jumps all around and
shows subjects for a half a second before moving on making the
audience seasick. Try to use a tripod and stay on a subject for
at least 10-15 seconds.
Above all, have fun
photographing and preserving America's ghost towns and be sure
to send us you pictures so we can put them up on the site for
all to see. |