NAME: Atsion
COUNTY: Atlantic
CLIMATE: Some snow in winter, but often rain. Hot in summer.
COMMENTS: This town is located in a State Forest, as the others are, in NJ's Pine Barrens. There is a U.S. highway going through the middle of it. There are some people living there in modern homes. On some dirt roads in the area you may need 4-wheel drive because of soft sand.
REMAINS: The ironmaster's mansion (1826), the company store (1827) (now a ranger station), the poured-concrete horse barn, a couple of houses, the cotton mill, the school, the church (still in use), railroad tracks and a cemetery that I have not yet found.

(pronounced "at-sigh-un") This was an iron-making town, as many towns were in the Pine Barrens. Cotton making was also tried here. I believe there was a post office when the town was still "alive". Submitted by: Barry Caselli

U.S. Route 206 cuts through the heart of Atsion and has destroyed the spell handed down from the past. It suggested that Atsion be approached in the afternoon to take advantage of the western sun that gives a fine glint and shimmer to the large lake and breaks through the trees to lend light and an illusion of warmth to the empty old mansion which dominates the scene. Astion today consists of a weather-beaten but still substantial remnant of the old town on the eastern side of the highway while on the western side a modern cluster of cottages is close to the lake. Two centuries ago Atsion was a burgeoning industrial center. The name Astion comes from the Indians who called the strong, cedar-colored stream the Atsayunk. In time it became Astion and today it remains a quiet community. Submitted by Henry Chenoweth.