NAME: Farmer
CLIMATE: Hot summers, snow/cold winters, central state
BEST TIME TO VISIT: Accessable always
COMMENTS: This little ghost town has 4 or 5 wood, dark brown, original false front buildings still standing in what is now a wheat field in central washington state. They are empty but standing. It is at a cross roads, with a grange hall and tiny cemetary; the grange hall is still used for pot lucks and dances. To get there: locate wenatchee in central washington state; travel north, then northeast 17 miles (i think on highway 2)to waterville; stay on the same road, about 4 -5 miles to douglas; go thru douglas (which has about 10 houses and a deserted gas station/store); a few more mile east and you are there. I have a photo but might take a bit of searching to find it.
REMAINS: See "comments"
See "comments"; Submitted by: Sue Ritter