NAME: Port Wine
COUNTY: Sierra
GRID #(see map): 1
CLIMATE: Good all summer; Snow in winter
July through September.
COMMENTS: See pictures
Townsite; graveyard and roads only

Dear Sirs,

I am writing to provide some information to add to your site on Port Wine, California. 

My grandmother and her sisters were born and raised there.  Her nephews operated a hard rock mine just east of town into the 1940s.  Many of my relatives are buried in the cemetery.  My family is most grateful for the restorative work done on the cemetery. 

The picture on your web site is all that remains of the Wells Fargo building.  This building was largely in tact until some time in the 1970s, when the roof caved in (the area receives huge amounts of snow).  Port Wine was a gold mining town.  There are remnants of a flume along the hillside above the road to the west of the town site.  Almost nothing of the town site remains.  There are what appear to be a few foundations made of stone, but they are so grown over that it’s hard to tell what was once there.

Terry Cross

Store front in Port Wine
Courtesy Tim Robertson

Port Wine Cemetery
Courtesy Tim Robertson